Breaking news! There's road construction on the route and a road closure so we're going to need a short detour. Fortunately, there's a detour that's fairly reasonable and the overall distance is only slightly longer. Here are the detour route stats: 249.3 miles (401K), 9,994 feet of climbing. The detour route is here. We're reprising … Continue reading "Meander to Manchester 400K"
New route for 2023! What are the 3 M's in the moniker? Some of the towns you'll pass through enroute to completing a successful 600K: Monticello, Maquoketa and Mechanicsville. This new 600K route combines two routes we've used in the past: the Meander to Manchester 400K and the Eldridge West 200K with changes needed to … Continue reading "The 3M 600K"